Sunday, November 10, 2002

St. Philip Post- Part Ten
Expansion to Naples

An important step was taken in 1584. One of the most noted of the Oratorians, Francesco Tarugi, was sent to on a trip to Naples for his health. While he was there, he preached as he had done at the Oratory. This preaching was so successful that various Neapolitans asked that more Oratorians be sent to them and a new Oratorian house founded. While Tarugi and others were enthusiastic, seeing this as a way of spreading the work of the Oratory, and even envisioning many other foundations to follow, Philip was hesitant. The Oratory in Rome itself was still a very young community. Dividing their strength so soon after the original foundation seemed to be risky, and Philip thought it unwise. On the other hand, Philip did not want to stand in the way if God wished a new foundation to be made. The majority was in favor of a new foundation in Naples, so it was established in 1586.
The relationship between the Roman Oratory and the Naples Oratory was to be somewhat stormy. The Naples house began introducing changes in its Rule, which would make the Oratory more like a religious Order than Philip desired, such as an enclosed novitiate and more emphasis on a tightly structured communal life. The change Philip objected to the most was making the members renounce their property and hold all things in common. So strong was his objection that when the Rule was finally codified, it included, at his insistence, a clause absolutely forbidding an Oratory to demand renunciation of property. Both houses weathered the storms, and Naples is now the second oldest Oratorian community in existence.

St. Philip Neri Quotes:
"The most beautiful prayer we can make, is to say to God, 'As Thou knowest and willest, O Lord, so do with me.' "
"Do not let a day pass without doing some good during it."
"We must avoid lies as we would a pestilence."
"One of the very best means of obtaining humility, is sincere and frequent confession."


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