Saturday, February 08, 2003

Digging through the paper archives again
I found a handout sheet from a retreat I went on years ago . I don't know who wrote it-the priest who led the retreat or someone else whose writing he found, but I think it's interesting. I'll be blogging a paragraph each time I have a computer available.

"One traditional model for the life of grace is that of the avoidance of the seven deadly cardinal or deadly sins and the pursuit of the seven cardinal virtues. Thus the fount of all sin, the sin of Adam and Eve, pride, is attacked with the recognition that we are not divine, but depend on God for all graces, even life itself. Therefore we need Him, and we need others. Vanity, arrogance, superiority, claiming to be indispensible, are all rejected in favor of humility, shown in being honest and realistic about ourselves- that we may be acceptable to God, but we are not yet as He wants us to be. Humility as the opposite of pride requires that our self-esteem does not blind us to our own faults or to the virtues of others. "


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