Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Oh, please... not again !

I believe Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Shea are going down a bit of a blind alley here, as Mr. Halsall is a questionable source at best. , as a perceptive commenter noted. (As to the question of SSA and ordination now- I have no doubt such ordinations would be valid. Whether they would be prudent in a society as massively oversexualized as ours is another matter. )

Did the Venerable struggle with this type of temptation ? God only knows, as even the people who claim he did admit that if so, he did not give in to the temptation. However, using him to further the agenda of sexual perversion (as Mr. Halsall has done) is simply stupid.

" The graces of the Spirit cannot be separated from each other; one implies the rest; what is love but a delight in God, a devotion to Him, a surrender of the whole self to Him? what is impurity, on the other hand, but the turning to something of this world, something sinful, as the object of our affections instead of God? What is it but a deliberate abandonment of the Creator for the creature, and seeking pleasure in the shadow of death, not in the all-blissful Presence of light and holiness? The impure then cannot love God; and those who are without love of God cannot really be pure. Purity prepares the soul for love, and love confirms the soul in purity. The flame of love will not be bright unless the substance which feeds it be pure and unadulterate; and the most dazzling purity is but as iciness and desolation unless it draws its life from fervent love. "- Discourses to Mixed Congregations- Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O.


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