Saturday, September 06, 2003

Some help, please ?
My Latin, alas, is not as good as it could be. Would someone please help me with a bit of translation ?
"On the journey from Rome to England a visit was paid to Monte Cassino; and in the Visitors' book at that high place of St. Benedict may still be seen this entry: 'O Sancti Montis Cassinensis, unde Anglia nostra olim saluberrimos Cathohicae doctrinae rivos hausit, orate pro nobis jam ex haeresi in pristinum vigorem expergiscentibus.—J. H. NEWMAN, September 6, 1847.' "

From Cardinal Newman by Wilfrid Meynell.

I believe it's something about asking for prayers that England return to the Catholic Faith and that heresy there be expunged...


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