Sunday, September 14, 2003

Well, the Mass with the Bishop went well...
as did the blessing of the National Newman Library afterwards. Here is the music from the Mass (a Mass of the Holy Spirit for the Opening of the School Year) :
Processional: "Come Holy Ghost"
Offertory: "O God Beyond All Praising" - Gustav Holst ( 1874- 1934)
Communion: "Ave Verum" - Edward Elgar (1857-1934)
Recessional: "Lift High the Cross"

One of the local newspapers did a short piece in the Sunday edition on the blessing. It should be taken with a bit of salt as the writer seems to buy into the "Newman-as-liberal-icon" thing , as well as committing some errors of fact, errors of emphasis, and infelicitous expressions. (For example, the Venerable's journey into the Church took six years, not two. St. Thomas Aquinas is hardly a representative of the 'early church'- and St. Thomas's influence on the Venerable was not all that strong. "Eastern Orthodox mystics' seems to be the writer's confused term for the Greek Fathers of the Church. ...and so on. ) Also, for some reason the word "Oratory" is not capitalized as it should be, which is puzzling. I am, however, glad that they mentioned the attempt that will be made to digitize the originals of Venerable Newman's writings and put them on the Internet. (Now does that sound cool or what ? !!!)
Bearing all this in mind, here it is. For anyone in the Pittsburgh area, the print version has two photographs with it, one of which is of Fr. Drew Morgan, C.O., of the Pittsburgh Oratory.


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