Monday, November 11, 2002

Feast of St. Martin of Tours
Here is a link to information on him. I am blogging on him not only because he is the patron of the parish where I was baptized and received my First Holy Communion, but also because a particular tale about him is one of my favorite saint stories.
Martin was alone at prayer one day, when suddenly he saw a brilliant light. Standing before him was a young man, shining with what seemed to be the glory of Heaven. The man stated, "Martin, I am Jesus Christ, come back to judge the world, and it has been my good pleasure to appear to you just before I do so."
Martin asked. "Sir, may I see your hands and feet ?"
The man extended his brilliant hands.
Martin, puzzled, asked, "Sir, where are the holes ?"
And the figure disappeared, leaving the room freezing cold and filled with a hideous stench.
( I believe I first came across this in a book by Fr. George Rutler, but if so, it was years ago, and any inaccuracies are mine.)


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