Tuesday, July 27, 2004

On July 27, 1856
Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O., preached a sermon, of which the following notes survive:
On the Healing of the Deaf and Dumb Man

1. INTROD.—We read these words in today's gospel, 'They bring unto Him,' etc.

2. The man is cured, and two things go to his cure—Christ's word and act, and His disciples bring him to Him. Christ does not heal without His disciples, and they cannot heal except as bringing to Him.

3. So it is now—the great ordained system—Christ the Author of Grace, and His friends whom He brings round Him, and makes His family, the step towards obtaining grace by prayer.

4. Christ can do all things. He created, He redeemed without any one else; but He saved [saves?] through the co-operation of others—by the saints above and the Church below.

5. Christ can do all things—He gives grace too, and it is only by His ordained system—merit a promise—a contract, etc., etc.

6. Christ can do all things, and He does not confine Himself to [co-operation of] others, so far as this, that all over the earth, external to His Church, He hears those who call on Him. He has many ways. Every one has a guardian angel. Case of Hagar.

7. But He does this to bring them on into His Church, that they too may become His friends.

8. And it must be recollected that the Holy Church Universal is praying everywhere [for them]. Mass [continually offered].

9. Abraham and Moses. God reveals that His friends may pray, 'I say not that I will ask the Father,' etc.

Therefore it is that we call our Lady our advocate, and the saints intercessors; for our Lord has made over this lower office to them, and stands in the higher, of the Giver of grace.

10. Thus the salvation of the world is in our hands, [e.g. of]

11. England—Birmingham.

12. Therefore let us pray.


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