The Feast of St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
is today. One can find information on her
here. There are also posts on her at
A Catholic Point of View,
Dappled Things ,
Catholic Light, and
The New Gasparian.
"Take that holy child, the blessed St. Agnes, who, at the age of thirteen, resolved to die rather than deny the faith, and stood enveloped in an atmosphere of purity, and diffused around her a heavenly influence, in the very home of evil spirits into which the heathen brought her; or consider the angelical Aloysius, of whom it hardly is left upon record that he committed even a venial sin; or St. Agatha, St. Juliana, St. Rose, St. Casimir, or St. Stanislas, to whom the very notion of any unbecoming imagination had been as death; well, there is not one of these seraphic souls but might have been a degraded, loathsome leper, except for God's grace, an outcast from his kind; not one but might, or rather would, have lived the life of a brute creature, and died the death of a reprobate, and lain down in hell eternally in the devil's arms, had not God put a new heart and a new spirit within him, and made him what he could not make himself." - Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O. "Men, not Angels, the Priests of the Gospel",
Discourses to Mixed Congregations