Saturday, August 07, 2004

On August 7, 1864
Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O., preached a sermon, of which the following notes survive:

The One Sacrifice

1. Christ a sacrifice. We keep the feast at Easter: 'Christ our Pasch,' etc.

2. What is meant by sacrifice?—offering, killing, eating. Objects—(1) worship, (2) thanksgiving, (3) propitiation, (4) impetration.

3. Heathen sacrifices, 1 Cor. x. 20, 'The things which the heathen sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God.' Taurobolium, etc.; human sacrifices, etc.

4. Jewish sacrifices, Lev. ix., x., xvi.

5. Fulfilled in Christ. Two things—death and intercession. Therefore the Aaronic priesthood and bloody sacrifice fulfilled in one act and time by our Lord in the flesh. Scripture speaks of our Lord as not only fulfilling a bloody sacrifice (which is once for all), but besides this of a sacrifice according to Melchisedech, that is, bread and wine.

6. Superiority—once for all; all sin.

7. His mercy in continuing the sacrifice, that it might not be a mere matter of history.

8. This is the Mass; which is His sacrifice reiterated, represented, applied, as He continues it in heaven. Mal. i. 11 .

9. Order of Melchisedech.

10. One priest, one victim, one sacrificing, everywhere.

11. From the first—various liturgies—points in common. Detail of rites as in the bloody [sacrifice on Mount Calvary]—as our Lord taken before Pilate, etc., etc.

12. Arguments for apostolicity of the Mass.

has a post focusing on some little-known martyrs. (The story of the little girl named Mori is, IMHO, particularly touching.)
Sixth day...
of the Novena for the Canonization of Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O.

Eternal Father, You led JOHN HENRY NEWMAN to follow the kindly light of Truth, and he obediently responded to your heavenly calls at any cost. As writer, preacher, counsellor and educator, as pastor, Oratorian, and servant of the poor he laboured to build up Your Kingdom.

Grant that through your Vicar on Earth we may hear the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the company of the canonized saints."

May You manifest Your servant's power of intercession by even extraordinary answers to the prayers of the faithful throughout the world. We pray particularly for our intentions in his name and in the Name of Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord.


Please report any favours received to:
The Postulator, The Oratory, Hagley Road, Birmingham B16 8UE, England

has a post with a quote from the Venerable.
He vowed to love her....
And he is still trying to kill her. Please pray for Terri Schiavo's safety and the conversion of her husband.

Links courtesy of HMS Blog.

The Feast of Pope St. Sixtus II, Martyr, and Companions, Deacons and Martyrs
is today. There is information on them here, here, here, here, here, and here.
It is also the feast of C.R.T., Priest and Founder. To any Theatines out there, happy feast day!
Finally, it is the feast of Blessed Edward Bamber, Priest and Martyr and Blessed Thomas Whitaker, Priest and Martyr.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Interesting article..
by Peter Kreeft. Here is a paragraph.

The change is this: The old contemplative attitude of objectivity, wonder, and respect is replaced by a new activist attitude of conquest, use, and subjective satisfaction — in relation to women just as in relation to truth. The old poets used to sing of women as ends, as objects of admiration, awe, contemplation, and even worship; the new ones sing of them as means rather than ends, as objects of use (and, if we are to call rappers poets, of domination, rape, murder, and mutilation). We have transformed women from Beatrice to Barbie, from the Madonna to Madonna (what a difference a "the" makes!), from images of God to occasions for self-gratification. This is inevitable, for the subjective experience of the sexual "high" is our culture's substitute for the mystical experience we were designed for. Aquinas says, "No man can live without joy. That is why, deprived of spiritual joys, he must go over to carnal pleasures."

Day Five...
of the Novena for the Canonization of Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O.

Eternal Father, You led JOHN HENRY NEWMAN to follow the kindly light of Truth, and he obediently responded to your heavenly calls at any cost. As writer, preacher, counsellor and educator, as pastor, Oratorian, and servant of the poor he laboured to build up Your Kingdom.

Grant that through your Vicar on Earth we may hear the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the company of the canonized saints."

May You manifest Your servant's power of intercession by even extraordinary answers to the prayers of the faithful throughout the world. We pray particularly for our intentions in his name and in the Name of Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord.


Please report any favours received to:
The Postulator, The Oratory, Hagley Road, Birmingham B16 8UE, England

So this clergyman wants to help women...
who have been brutally used as sex objects by men. So what does he do?

He encourages other women to display themselves as sex objects to men.

Don't get me wrong- it's important to help the victims of such terrible crimes, but how can anyone with common sense think this is the way to do it ?

Link courtesy of Relapsed Catholic.

The Solemnity of the Transfiguration of the Lord
is today. There is information on it here.

The day will come at length, when our Lord and Saviour will unveil that Sacred Countenance to the whole world, which no sinner ever yet could see and live. Then will the world be forced to look upon Him, whom they pierced with their unrepented wickednesses; "all faces will gather blackness." [Joel ii. 6.] Then they will discern, what they do not now believe, the utter deformity of sin; while the Saints of the Lord, who seemed on earth to bear but the countenance of common men, will wake up one by one after His likeness, and be fearful to look upon. And then will be fulfilled the promise pledged to the Church on the Mount of Transfiguration.

Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O., Parochial and Plain Sermons

Thursday, August 05, 2004

I've said it before, and I'll say it again...
If people followed the Church's teachings, insane situations like this wouldn't happen. Please pray for everyone involved in this mess, especially the poor kid.

Link courtesy of Sparki

I try to make the Sign of the Cross
whenever I pass a Catholic or Orthodox Church, as a sign of reverence for Our Lord's Presence in the Eucharist. James Akin posts on this custom, but he has a commenter who goes a step beyond....

On August 5, 1877
Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O., preached a sermon, of which the following notes survive:

The End of Man
1. Why are we placed here on earth? This is a question which comes often to children, and is the beginning of their responsibility.

2. Too often the question ceases to be asked by the young soul; but it drowns the thought in the levity of the small world of children around it.

3. But I repeat it, my brethren, think of it now—Why are you here in this world? Were you put here merely to eat, drink, sleep, etc., for a certain [number] of years, to marry, to grow old, to die? Were you put here merely to get on in life, to make a fortune and a name, to gain power, influence, to be in a position to gratify ambition, etc.? You know you have a higher end than this.

4. Now consider what the real reason is. You were put here to prepare yourself for a higher and eternal state; and for this all the riches, power, name—all the cleverness, sharpness and knowledge you may have or acquire, nay, I will say, all the industry, all the affectionateness, all the good-heartedness you have by nature (though these qualities are entirely good)—will not avail at all.

5. You are come to make the raw material of your souls into (as I may say) a vessel of honour for the Lord's house above.

6. Consider the instance of various trades on earth, and you will understand—bread, pottery, moulding, and the fine arts—a building, a statue.

7. So there is the raw material of your soul—it is called in Scripture the flesh; it is human nature in the rude condition to which Adam's sin has reduced it. Take the instance of the brute animals—you will in a measure understand what human nature is—the passions, etc.

8. On bringing the soul into shape—the small trials of every day.

9. How different good old men are from what they were when young. So, on the other hand, you can't help moulding yourself. Woe to you if you mould the wrong way.

Day Four...
of the Novena for the Canonization of Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O.

Eternal Father, You led JOHN HENRY NEWMAN to follow the kindly light of Truth, and he obediently responded to your heavenly calls at any cost. As writer, preacher, counsellor and educator, as pastor, Oratorian, and servant of the poor he laboured to build up Your Kingdom.

Grant that through your Vicar on Earth we may hear the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the company of the canonized saints."

May You manifest Your servant's power of intercession by even extraordinary answers to the prayers of the faithful throughout the world. We pray particularly for our intentions in his name and in the Name of Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord.


Please report any favours received to:
The Postulator, The Oratory, Hagley Road, Birmingham B16 8UE, England

A chilling post...
over at Church of the Masses.
The Pontificator
quotes the Professor.
The Old Oligarch
goes to town on the subject of modesty.

The Feast of Our Lady of the Snows
is today. There is information on it here. A link to information on the Basilica is here, and a view of the interior is here. A link to the National Shrine is here. To all Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and others who have a special devotion to Our Lady under this title, happy feast day !

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

From An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine
by Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O.

The common sense of mankind does but support a conclusion thus forced upon us by analogical considerations. It feels that the very idea of revelation implies a present informant and guide, and that an infallible one; not a mere abstract declaration of Truths unknown before to man, or a record of history, or the result of an antiquarian research, but a message and a lesson speaking to this man and that. This is shown by the popular notion which has prevailed among us since the Reformation, that the Bible itself is such a guide; and which succeeded in overthrowing the supremacy of Church and Pope, for the very reason that it was a rival authority, not resisting merely, but supplanting it. In proportion, then, as we find, in matter of fact, that the inspired volume is not adapted or intended to subserve that purpose, are we forced to revert to that living and present Guide, who, at the era of our rejection of her, had been so long recognized as the dispenser of Scripture, according to times and circumstances, and the arbiter of all true doctrine and holy practice to her children. We feel a need, and she alone of all things under heaven supplies it. We are told that God has spoken. Where? In a book? We have tried it and it disappoints; it disappoints us, that most holy and blessed gift, not from fault of its own, but because it is used for a purpose for which it was not given. The Ethiopian's reply, when St. Philip asked him if he understood what he was reading, is the voice of nature: "How can I, unless some man shall guide me?" The Church undertakes that office; she does what none else can do, and this is the secret of her power.

It's the third day...
of the Novena for the Canonization of Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O.
Here is the prayer.

Eternal Father, You led JOHN HENRY NEWMAN to follow the kindly light of Truth, and he obediently responded to your heavenly calls at any cost. As writer, preacher, counsellor and educator, as pastor, Oratorian, and servant of the poor he laboured to build up Your Kingdom.

Grant that through your Vicar on Earth we may hear the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the company of the canonized saints."

May You manifest Your servant's power of intercession by even extraordinary answers to the prayers of the faithful throughout the world. We pray particularly for our intentions in his name and in the Name of Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord.


Please report any favours received to:
The Postulator, The Oratory, Hagley Road, Birmingham B16 8UE, England

From the homily
Fr. Drew was the celebrant at the 12:10 pm Mass today. What I remember best from his homily is a short tale from the life of today's saint.
St. John Vianney, as many people know, wasn't exactly a brilliant student. One of his teachers, exasperated with his inability, snapped, "Vianney, you are a complete ass ! "
The target of this remark replied, "Yes, but with God's help, Samson slew a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass. Just imagine what He could do with a complete ass ! "
The Feast of St. Jean Marie Vianney, Priest
is today. There is information on him here. To all the parish priests out there, happy feast day !

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Gerard Serafin reminds us..
that the great Catholic author Flannery O' Connor went to her reward on this date 40 years ago. My favorite among her stories is "The Lame Shall Enter First", with "Parker's Back" and "A Temple of the Holy Ghost" close behind.
Aaaah ! I'm a day late on this !
But here is the prayer for the second day of a Novena for the Canonization of Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O., in order to prepare for the anniversary of the day when he went to his reward.

Eternal Father, You led JOHN HENRY NEWMAN to follow the kindly light of Truth, and he obediently responded to your heavenly calls at any cost. As writer, preacher, counsellor and educator, as pastor, Oratorian, and servant of the poor he laboured to build up Your Kingdom.

Grant that through your Vicar on Earth we may hear the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the company of the canonized saints."

May You manifest Your servant's power of intercession by even extraordinary answers to the prayers of the faithful throughout the world. We pray particularly for our intentions in his name and in the Name of Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord.


Please report any favours received to:
The Postulator, The Oratory, Hagley Road, Birmingham B16 8UE, England

The Feast of St.Waltheof of Melrose, O. Cist., Abbot
is today. There is information on him here.
It is also the feast of two biblical saints- St. Lydia, one of St. Paul's converts, and St. Nicodemus.

Such was the learned Pharisee, who came to Jesus by night, well satisfied with his station, jealous of his reputation, confident in his reason; but the time at length came, when, even though disciples fled, he remained to anoint the abandoned corpse of Him, whom when living he had been ashamed to own. You see it was the grace of God that triumphed in Magdalen, in Matthew, and in Nicodemus; heavenly grace came down upon corrupt nature; it subdued impurity in the youthful woman, covetousness in the publican, fear of man in the Pharisee.

Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O., Discourses to Mixed Congregations

Monday, August 02, 2004

On August 2, 1874
Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O., preached a sermon, of which the following notes survive:

Revelation—Word of God (I)
1. INTROD.—I have been reading from Scripture, viz. an epistle and gospel. Why?

2. What is meant by Scripture, Scriptures? Writings, the Word of God, or revelation—through different ages.

3. Why has God given us a 'Word'? Because we are so ignorant.

4. Two Testaments. First with one nation (Old), then with people of all nations (New).

5. The Bible, the Book.

6. By the by, why are Catholics said to burn the Bible? They never do, or have (unless they committed an act of sin); but what they burned was not the Bible but a Protestant translation. (Also without comment.)

7. The Church comments and explains. Now as to the Old Testament, or the Word of God to the Jews,

8. Law and prophets,

9. Till our Lord came.

The Feast of Pope St. Stephen I
is today. There is information on him here.
It is also the feast of St. Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop, and St. Peter Julian Eymard,S.S.S., Priest and Founder. To any members of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament or the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament out there, happy feast day !

Sunday, August 01, 2004

The June/July First Things
is online.
I'm particularly fond of this article by R.R. Reno. However, I simply must quote this short piece by Fr. Neuhaus.

It’s been a while since I’ve had occasion to remark on Peter Singer of Princeton University, the ageing bad boy of moral philosophy. But now Gerald Nora, a second-year medical student, sends me the dust jacket of the 1996 edition of Singer’s Rethinking Life and Death. Mr. Nora is right in suspecting that the blurbs “praising” the book might have been chosen by Professor Singer’s enemies. For instance, there is this from the Washington Post: “Far from pointing a way out of today’s moral dilemmas, Singer’s book is a road map for driving down the darkest of moral blind alleys. . . . Read it to remind yourself of the enormities of which putatively civilized beings are capable.” Precisely. If you want a roadmap for driving down blind alleys, this is it. Then there is this from the publisher: “A profound and provocative work in the tradition of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.” Precisely again. Even more precisely, it is in the tradition of thinking that Huxley so powerfully warned us against.

(BTW, I'll admit that the topic alone isn't why I quoted this in full. The other reason is that I happen to know Jerry Nora, and felt I should blog this mention of him. )

Quiz time...

You speak eloquently and have seemingly read every
book ever published. You are a fountain of
endless (sometimes useless) knowledge, and
never fail to impress at a party.
What people love: You can answer almost any
question people ask, and have thus been
nicknamed Jeeves.
What people hate: You constantly correct their
grammar and insult their paperbacks.

What Kind of Elitist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Link courtesy of Fructus Ventris
Prayers requested...
for your humble webscribe, who was seriously disturbed by something today. Blogging may be a bit light for a while...
From Parochial and Plain Sermons
by Venerable John Henry Newman, C.O.

The doctrine of the Cross does but teach, though infinitely more forcibly, still after all it does but teach the very same lesson which this world teaches to those who live long in it, who have much experience in it, who know it. The world is sweet to the lips, but bitter to the taste. It pleases at first, but not at last. It looks gay on the outside, but evil and misery lie concealed within. When a man has passed a certain number of years in it, he cries out with the Preacher, "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." Nay, if he has not religion for his guide, he will be forced to go further, and say, "All is vanity and vexation of spirit;" all is disappointment; all is sorrow; all is pain. The sore judgments of God upon sin are concealed within it, and force a man to grieve whether he will or no. Therefore the doctrine of the Cross of Christ does but anticipate for us our experience of the world. It is true, it bids us grieve for our sins in the midst of all that smiles and glitters around us; but if we will not heed it, we shall at length be forced to grieve for them from undergoing their fearful punishment. If we will not acknowledge that this world has been made miserable by sin, from the sight of Him on whom our sins were laid, we shall experience it to be miserable by the recoil of those sins upon ourselves.

It may be granted, then, that the doctrine of the Cross is not on the surface of the world. The surface of things is bright only, and the Cross is sorrowful; it is a hidden doctrine; it lies under a veil; it at first sight startles us, and we are tempted to revolt from it. Like St. Peter, we cry out, "Be it far from Thee, Lord; this shall not be unto Thee." [Matt. xvi. 22.] And yet it is a true doctrine; for truth is not on the surface of things, but in the depths.

If it were not Sunday...
today would be the feast of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, C.SS.R., Bishop, Founder, and Doctor of the Church. To all the Redemptorists, Redemptoristines, and others who have him as a special patron, happy feast day !
(BTW, St. Alphonsus seriously considered becoming an Oratorian, but God had other plans for him....)